Barry Le Va: In a State of Flux   

Three-volume publication (German edition)
Edited by Christiane Meyer-Stoll
Graphic design by Sylvia Fröhlich

VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2024

Softback, 21 × 25.5 cm
Vol. 1: 128 pages, 128 colour and 6 b/w illus.
Vol. 2: 272 pages, 393 colour and 124 b/w illus.
Vol. 3: 120 pages, 109 colour and 12 b/w illus.

ISBN 978-3-99153-124-1

CHF 68.00    Add to shopping basket

Barry Le Va: In a State of Flux   

Three-volume publication (English edition)
Edited by Christiane Meyer-Stoll
Graphic design by Sylvia Fröhlich

VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2024

Softback, 21 × 25.5 cm
Vol. 1: 128 pages, 128 colour and 6 b/w illus.
Vol. 2: 272 pages, 393 colour and 124 b/w illus.
Vol. 3: 112 pages, 109 colour and 12 b/w illus.

ISBN 978-3-99153-125-8

CHF 68.00    Add to shopping basket

Liliana Moro. Andante con moto   

Edited by Letizia Ragaglia
Foreword by Letizia Ragaglia
Transcripts by Liliana Moro
Contributions by Fabio Cherstich and Milovan Farronato
Interview with Liliana Moro by Letizia Ragaglia
Graphic design by Sylvia Fröhlich

Distanz Verlag, Berlin, 2024
Hardback, 29,4 × 20,7 cm
160 pages, 83 colour and 4 b/w illus.

ISBN 978-3-95476-635-2 (German/English)

CHF 38.00    Add to shopping basket

Candida Höfer. Liechtenstein. In Dialogue with the Collections of Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein and the Hilti Art Foundation   

Edited by Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Letizia Ragaglia, Uwe Wieczorek
Foreword by Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Letizia Ragaglia, Uwe Wieczorek
Production diary in the form of a text collage from the correspondence between Candida Höfer, Herbert Burkert, Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Letizia Ragaglia, Uwe Wieczorek, Henrik Utermöhle, compiled by Michelle Steinbeck
A Tour Through the Exhibition: Photographs by Stefan Altenburger
Graphic design by Sylvia Fröhlich

Hatje Cantz Verlag, Berlin, 2023
Hardback, 27 × 27.5 cm
148 pages, 80 colour illus.

ISBN 978-3-7757-5486-6 (German/English)

CHF 40.00    Add to shopping basket

Rivane Neuenschwander. knife does not cut fire   

Edited by Christiane Meyer-Stoll
Foreword by Letizia Ragaglia and Christiane Meyer-Stoll
Contribution by Boaventura de Sousa
Interview with Rivane Neuenschwander by Christiane-Meyer-Stoll
Cut up poems by Anna Ospelt
Graphic design by Sylvia Fröhlich

Verlag für modern Kunst, Vienna, 2022
Softback, 28 × 21.5 cm
264 pages, 230 colour illus.

ISBN 978-3-903439-39-9 (English/German)

CHF 38.00    Add to shopping basket

Saâdane Afif. MORCEAUX CHOISIS. A Monograph

Edited by Afif Werkstatt
Contributions by Zoë Gray, Lily Matras, Yasmine d’O, Ray Schafaff
Interview with Saâdane Afif by Lili Reynaud-Dewar
Graphic design by Eurogroup, Brussels
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite, Berlin, 2021
Softcover, 28 × 20 cm
480 pages, 489 colour illus.

CHF 50.00    Add to shopping basket

Steven Parrino: Nihilism Is Love   

Edited by Friedemann Malsch and Fabian Flückiger
Introduction by Friedemann Malsch and Fabian Flückiger
Texts by Konrad Bitterli, Catherine Dossin, Fabian Flückiger, Pierre Huber, Friedemann Malsch, Matthew McCaslin, Olivier Mosset, Bob Nickas, Amy O’Neill
Interviews with Amy Granat by Fabian Flückiger, with Steven Parrino by Reinhard Ermen, Marc-Oliver Wahler, with Mai-Thu Perret by Fabian Flückiger, with Rolf Ricke by Fabian Flückiger and Friedemann Malsch
Designed by Sylvia Fröhlich
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2020
Hardcover, 25 × 21 cm
208 Pages, 157 colour illustrations
Language: English

CHF 40.00    Add to shopping basket

Anne Marie Jehle

Editors: Friedemann Malsch and Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2019
Concept: Dagmar Streckel
Texts: Silvia Eiblmayr, Dagmar Streckel
Language: German
Dimensions: 25 x 26 cm, softcover, 84 pages

CHF 19.00    Add to shopping basket

Nora Turato, pool 3, 2019–2018   

Editor: Fabian Flückiger, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2019
Texts: Graham Burnett (Princeton University, Cabinet magazine), Fabian Flückiger (Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein), Ana Janevski (Museum of Modern Art, New York), Sohrab Mohebbi (SculptureCenter, New York)
Graphic Design: Sabo Day

Published by: Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz
Printed by: robstolk®, Amsterdam
Language: German/English
Dimensions: 20 x 14.8 cm, 704 pages, signed by the artist
Edition: 500

CHF 50.00    Add to shopping basket

Yuri Albert. Elitär-demokratische Kunst

Editor: Sandra Frimmel und Sabine Hänsgen, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018
Publisher: Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Köln
Language: German
Domensions: 24 x 17,5 cm, stiffened paper binding with cloth spine
344 pages with 190 coloured illustrations

CHF 48.00    Add to shopping basket

Kasimir Malewitsch. Das Schwarze Quadrat

Irina Vakar. Geschichte eines Meisterwerks (German edition)
Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Language: German
Dimensions: 25 x 26 cm, softcover, 64 pages

CHF 19.00    Add to shopping basket

Kazimir Malevich. The Black Square

Irina Vakar. The Story of a Masterpiece (English edition)
Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Language: English
Dimensions: 25 x 26 cm, softcover, 64 pages

CHF 19.00    Add to shopping basket

Thomas Lehnerer. Freies Spiel

Texts by Michael Feistle, Fabian Flückiger, Peter Friese, Petra Giloy-Hirtz, Axel Heil, Jochen Kade, Thomas Lehnerer, Eckhard Lessmüller, Friedemann Malsch, Herta Müller, Robert Schörghuber, Marcus Steinweg
Editor: Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Friedemann Malsch
Language: German
Publisher: Edition Cantz, 2018
Hardcover, 212 pages, 154 coloured and 16 b/w-illustrations

CHF 44.00    Add to shopping basket

Kimsooja: Interviews and Works   

Two-volume publication (English edition)

Editor: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Language: English
Dimensions: 15.3 x 21.5 cm, hardcover
Vol. 1 – Interviews: 220 pages
Vol. 2 – Works: 224 pages with 168 coloured illustrations

CHF 39.00    Add to shopping basket

Kimsooja: Interviews und Werke   

Two-volume publication (German edition)

Editor: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2018
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Language: German
Dimensions: 15.3 x 21.5 cm, hardcover
Vol. 1 – Interviews: 244 pages
Vol. 2 – Werke: 224 pages with 168 coloured illustrations

CHF 39.00    Add to shopping basket


Exhibition catalogue

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2017
Publisher: Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg Berlin
Language: German
Dimensions: 14.8 x 21 cm, softcover
208 pages with 136 coloured and b/w illustrations

CHF 34.00    Add to shopping basket

Bertrand Lavier   

Exhibition catalogue

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2016
Language: German
Dimensions: 21.5 x 27.5 cm, Hardcover
180 pages with 103 coloured illustrations

CHF 39.00    Add to shopping basket

Charlotte Moth. Travelogue   

Exhibition catalogue

Editor: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2016
Concept: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Charlotte Moth
Language: German / English
Dimensions: 22 x 21 cm, softcover with cloth, embossed
244 pages with 288 coloured and 55 b/w illustrations

CHF 42.00    Add to shopping basket

Ferdinand Nigg (1865-1949). Gestickte Moderne   

Exhibition catalogue

Editor: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2015
Language: German

Dimensions: 20,6 x 27,5 cm, hardcover
408 pages with 366 coloured and 56 b/w illustrations

CHF 55.00    Add to shopping basket

Alexander Rodtschenko. Fotografie und Design   

Exhibition catalogue

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2015
Language: German
Dimensions: 25 x 26 cm, softcover
64 pages with coloured and b/w illustrations

CHF 19.00    Add to shopping basket

Gary Kuehn   

Exhibition catalogue (German Edition)

Editor: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2014
Language: German

Dimensions: 27 x 17,3 cm, hardcover
348 pages with 155 coloured and 40 b/w illustrations

CHF 57.00    Add to shopping basket

Gary Kuehn   

Exhibition catalogue (English Edition)

Editor: Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2014
Language: English

Dimensions: 27 x 17,3 cm, hardcover
348 pages with 155 coloured and 40 b/w illustrations

CHF 57.00    Add to shopping basket

Ilja Tschaschnik: Das suprematistische Lexikon

Editor: Kunstmuseum Liechenstein, 2013
Language: German
Dimensions: 25,00 × 26,00 cm, softcover, 60 pages

CHF 19.00    Add to shopping basket

André Thomkins. Eternal Network

Editors: Dagmar Streckel and Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2013
Language: German
Texts by Wilfried Dörstel, Eugen Gomringer, Gregor Jansen, Stephan Kunz, Friedemann Malsch, Barbara Räderscheidt and Dagmar Streckel, talk between Friedemann Malsch and Herbert Molderings.
Dimensions: 20,00 × 25,20 cm, hardcover, 408 pages with coloured illustrations

CHF 59.00    Add to shopping basket

Günter Fruhtrunk. Farbe Rhythmus Existenz

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechenstein, 2012
Language: German
Dimensions: 23,30 x 29,00 cm, hardcover, 172 pages

CHF 45.00    Add to shopping basket

Bojan Šar?evi?: A Curious Contortion in the Method of Progress - L'ellipse d'ellipse (German Edition)

Editor: Kunstmuseum Liechenstein and Institut d'art contemporain Villeurbanne/Rhone-Alpes, 2013
Language: German
Dimensions: 23,5 × 20 cm, softcover, 120 pages, 100 coloured illustrations
Texts by Michel Gauthier, Martin Herbert, Christiane Meyer-Stoll

CHF 32.00    Add to shopping basket

Bojan Šar?evi?: A Curious Contortion in the Method of Progress - L'ellipse d'ellipse (English Edition)

Editor: Kunstmuseum Liechenstein and Institut d'art contemporain Villeurbanne/Rhone-Alpes, 2013
Language: English
Dimensions: 23,5 × 20 cm, softcover, 120 pages, 100 coloured illustrations
Texts by Michel Gauthier, Martin Herbert, Christiane Meyer-Stoll

CHF 32.00    Add to shopping basket

Bill Bollinger. Water is Life and Like Art it Finds its own Level   

Exhbition catalogue (Englisch Edition)

CHF 46.00    Add to shopping basket

Art Calendar   

André Thomkins

CHF 16.00    Add to shopping basket

A.T. 3D. die räumliche welt des andré thomkins   

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2003
Language: German
With texts by Friedemann Malsch (introduction), Nicolas Thomkins
Dimensions: 14,7 x 21 cm, softcover, 66 pages

CHF 20.00    Add to shopping basket

Bill Bollinger. Water is Life and Like Art it Finds its own Level   

Exhbition catalogue (German Edition)

CHF 46.00    Add to shopping basket

Gotthard Graubner. Malerei   

Publisher: Richter Verlag, Düsseldorf 2010
Language: English/German
With texts by Friedemann Malsch (foreword), Uwe Wieczorek
Harcover, 144 pages

CHF 58.50    Add to shopping basket

Martin Frommelt. Frühe und neue Malerei

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechenstein, 2008
Language: German
Dimensions: 21 x 14,7 cm, softcover, 56 pages

CHF 20.00    Add to shopping basket

Matti Braun. Kola   

Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2009
Language: English/German
Dimensions: 190 x 270mm, thread stitching, hardcover, 240 pages

CHF 48.00    Add to shopping basket

Georg Malin. Eine Ausstellung zum 80. Geburtstag

Editor: Friedeman Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, 2006
Language: German
With texts by: Friedemann Malsch (foreword), Herbert Meier
Dimensions: 14,7 x 21 cm, softcover, 56 pages

CHF 15.00    Add to shopping basket

Joseph Beuys/Herbert Zangs. Die Fünziger Jahre   

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2007
Language: German
Text: Friedemann Malsch (foreword), Susannah Cremer-Bermbach
2 volumes,7 x 21 cm each, softcover, 64 pages

CHF 26.00    Add to shopping basket

Monika Sosnowska   

Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2007
Language: English / German
With texts by Will Bradley, Adam Budak, Christian Kerez, Friedemann Malsch, Monika Sosnowska, Jan Verwort and Michal Wolinski
Dimenstions: 20,5 x 25 cm, softcover, 120 pages

CHF 29.00    Add to shopping basket

Sean Scully. The Architecture of Colour   

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, 2006
Language: German/English
With texts by Friedemann Malsch (foreword), Uwe Wieczorek
Dimensions: 21 x 28 cm, softcover, 72 pages

CHF 25.00    Add to shopping basket

Christian Boltanski. La vie possible

Editor: Friedemann Malsch, 2009
Language: English
Text: Friedemann Malsch
Dimensions: 20,5 x 14 cm, Softcover, 48 pages

CHF 18.00    Add to shopping basket

Das mögliche Leben des Christian Boltanski

Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König (2009)
Language: German
Texts: Catherine Grenier interviews Christian Boltanski
Dimensions: 20,5 x 14 cm, softcover, 272 pages

CHF 29.70    Add to shopping basket

Fred Sandback   

Publisher: Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, 2005
Language: English/German
Dimensions: 26 x 21 cm, hardcover, 324 pages

CHF 58.00    Add to shopping basket

Fabian Marcaccio. 661 Conjectures for a New Paint Management 1989-2004   

Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2004
Language: English/German
Dimensions: 22,5 x 27,5 cm, softcover, 666 pages

CHF 30.00    Add to shopping basket

Fabian Marcaccio. From Altered Paintings to Paintants   

Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2004
Language: English/German
With texts by Thomas Keenan, Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Katy Siegel
Dimensions: 22,5 x 27,5 cm, softcover, 104 pages

CHF 38.00    Add to shopping basket

František Kupka 1871–1957. A Retrospektive   

Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern (2003)
Language: German
With texts from Pierre Brullé, Brigitte Leal and Friedemann Malsch
Dimensions: 22 x 28 cm, softcover, 180 pages

CHF 42.00    Add to shopping basket



CHF 48.00    Add to shopping basket