Photographs by Candida Höfer, taken especially for this show, form the starting point and focus: a series created in and for Liechtenstein.
A member of the Düsseldorf 'Becher School', the acclaimed artist Candida Höfer (b. 1944 in Eberswalde) has previously created a number of site-specific groups of images, for instance in Brussels or Düsseldorf. The photographs taken in Liechtenstein in the autumn and winter of 2021 follow on in this tradition. For the most part, Höfer photographed the subjects with a large format digital camera: interior and exterior views of the museum architecture, libraries or store rooms which serve cultural purposes in the narrow and broad sense.
Characteristic of Höfer's photographic oeuvre is an objective, down-to-earth visual idiom, a pronounced interest in structures and orders of space, and remarkable attention to detail. To create her images she makes use of the light available at the various locations and spaces, not using any spotlights for illumination, which in many cases results in long exposure times. Höfer's photographs are the opposite of snapshots. They are carefully planned and precisely executed. The subject matter bespeaks human presence and influence, even if most of the spaces captured by the artist are deserted.
Candida Höfer: Liechtenstein is the first ever exhibition to span all four top-lit rooms of the Kunstmuseum and the three exhibition rooms of the Hilti Art Foundation. Candida Höfer's photographs are juxtaposed in a dialogue with selected artworks from the two collections. By panning out expansive, atmospheric associative fields, Höfer's photographic oeuvre can engage in a dialogue with artworks from different genres from the period of classical modernism to the present day. Conversely, the unfamiliar contexts allow visitors to experience the broad range of Candida Höfer's photographs from a fresh perspective.
A production of Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein and the Hilti Art Foundation, curated by Christiane Meyer-Stoll, Letizia Ragaglia and Uwe Wieczorek.
With artworks by
Saâdane Afif, Josef Albers, Polly Apfelbaum, Joseph Beuys, Umberto Boccioni, Bill Bollinger, Nina Canell, Andreas Christen, Gianni Colombo, Edith Dekyndt, Latifa Echakhch, Luciano Fabro, Helmut Federle, Dan Flavin, Lucio Fontana, Günter Fruhtrunk, Gerhard von Graevenitz, Gotthard Graubner, Donald Judd, Kerstin Kartscher, Konrad Klapheck, Julije Knifer, Imi Knoebel, Anna Kołodziejska, Gary Kuehn, Fernand Léger, Barry Le Va, Verena Loewensberg, René Magritte, Kazimir Malevich, Rita McBride, Piet Mondrian, François Morellet, Charlotte Moth, Bruce Nauman, Giulio Paolini, Steven Parrino, Dan Peterman, Emilio Prini, Pamela Rosenkranz, Fred Sandback, Keith Sonnier, Yves Tanguy, André Thomkins, Rosemarie Trockel, Gilberto Zorio.
Audio guide
The exhibition is accompanied by a free audio guide (German and English). The audio guide app is available for download onto your smartphone from the App-Store or the Google Play Store.
The exhibition is accompanied by a publication featuring numerous illustrations and a literary adaptation of a production diary documenting the process of creating the exhibition. The publication is available at our web shop.
Höfer has created two editions for Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein to accompany the exhibition. They are available at the museum as well as here.
Candida Höfer, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein Vaduz VII 2021 © Candida Höfer, Cologne / 2022, ProLitteris, Zurich